Changes // Peaks
Fatigue // Work // Restless Nights // Nightmare
Recently have a lot of assignments to do. No enough sleep. Still very deprive of sleep. Still having weird dreams. Weird weird dreams. Having really realistic dreams that freak me up in the middle of the nights recently.
Music // Blog
The music playing now is one of my favourite. The Light Before We Land. Its not a christian song btw. But it sounds like one. The song is really nice though =) Thanks weixian for teaching me how to upload.
Estee // Cousin // Birthday Girl
Happy Birthday Estee, hope you enjoyed your birthday during saturday =)
Friends // Ex Classmates
Still talking with weixian and penny. Hope that they are still doing well. Weixian seems to be very busy and tired. Hope he rest more.
Past // Apologies
I recently remembered of the past. Once, I brought a pen knife to school and pass it to weixian. I though of committing suicide that day. But I'm scared, so I pass it to weixian. I guess that time he must have really freaked out. I was crying very badly that day. If you see this message weixian, I'm sorry brother. Haha.
Moi // Christian
Haha, if anybody who doesn't know that I am a Christian now. Haha. Especially those who knows the emo me in secondary school. Yeah I am. Don't freak out man. Haha, seriously speaking, I sometimes still find it hard to believe that I grow up so much le. Haha. Being a Christian really changed me for good. Praise The Lord =]
Lies // Sin
Saturday I still lied to my family the I am going to school, but in actual fact, I am in church. I still hide the truth to my parents and family. People who read this, Lying is bad. I am a bad example. Don't learn from me. People who think that I am a bad Christian. I am the one sinful. Not Christians in general ._. Please don't generalize christians as big Liars... Because its me who is bad.
Abortion // Sermon
During saturday, Pastor Daniel talked about Do not murder and Abortion is actually murdering an innocent life. Girls and guys remember! Think twice before you have premarital sex! Hearing pastor describing about the process of abortion really makes me feel so painful. Painful for the baby!
The doctor will use a vacuum to suck the baby out. If the baby's body is fragile enough, his limbs will be ripped out piece by piece. During the ripping process, the baby will give out a "silent scream" meaning that the baby will scream out in pain, but we cannot hear it because its too soft.
If the body's bones is hard enough, the doctor will cut its limbs then suck it out. I feel so sad for the baby.
Pastor also showed a picture named "Malachi", the picture shows an aborted baby with its limbs and body sperated. I will never forget about that image.
Murderous Emotions // Sermon
The 2nd part of the sermon was done by sister wanping. She talked about by having thoughts of murdering someone else is already committing murder already. Which fits into this week's theme, the 6th commandment "Thou shall not murder".
Also, she teaches us that there is two types of Anger, Destructive murder which leads to nothing but violence and Constructive anger which comes from God. Constructive anger lets you think about the right thing to do when you feel angry, "is it worth it?" "What will God and Jesus do?"
During this part of the sermon, I got reminded of my past when I thought about murdering my whole family. Poisoning water boiler, on stove to let house explode, Switch my mother's medicine. Etc Etc. But I don't feel anything at all. I know God is definitely there. I don't feel sad or scared or depressed. I think God helped me went pass the stage already. Praise the Lord.
Report Writing // School
Getting tired of this report. So much to write so little time >_< style="font-weight: bold;">Neopets // My In thing
Created a new neopet account. Suddenly thought of playing neopet for some reason lol. Those interested to join me add me! Yuthanaxian. With my pet, Wolf_Scratch! xD

Falling Ill // Headache
Feel that recently I'm falling ill, during sunday I'm having a really weird headache, feeling so nauseous. I think its the lack of rest. =\
Recently the cell group, everyone is so tired physically, especially the older ones. Pray that God will help all of out trouble. Ian this whole week also a lot of work to do. Xiong exam coming so soon. I also work piling up. Praise Lord for letting us still able to move and jump during sat =)
Grace // Foundation of Prayers
People Do READ THIS!
Sister Wanping taught us about the foundation of Prayer is Grace. As God want us to use the grace he gave us. Prayer is a privilage that God gave us. So yes, we must learn to have 100% faith when using God's Grace when praying =) Remember, we learn to be like God. So when we pray, we must have 100% trust in God your prayer will be answered no matter how long it takes =) Amen!
Forgiven // Psalms // Sin
Sunday I feel so in despair when I sinned. I feel so horrible the whole day even after I pray to God for Forgivence. But before I go to bed I read Psalms and God really forgive me.
1 O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever?
How long will you look the other way?
2 How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul,
with sorrow in my heart every day?
How long will my enemy have the upper hand?
Prayer Requests
NEED SLEEP! Lol Pray that God will give me good rest. I know I will =)
GOOD HEALTH! Lol, I need to take care of my body or i'll crack recently.
Thats about all for now =) Will keep you all update again soon =)
Recently have a lot of assignments to do. No enough sleep. Still very deprive of sleep. Still having weird dreams. Weird weird dreams. Having really realistic dreams that freak me up in the middle of the nights recently.
Music // Blog
The music playing now is one of my favourite. The Light Before We Land. Its not a christian song btw. But it sounds like one. The song is really nice though =) Thanks weixian for teaching me how to upload.
Estee // Cousin // Birthday Girl
Happy Birthday Estee, hope you enjoyed your birthday during saturday =)
Friends // Ex Classmates
Still talking with weixian and penny. Hope that they are still doing well. Weixian seems to be very busy and tired. Hope he rest more.
Past // Apologies
I recently remembered of the past. Once, I brought a pen knife to school and pass it to weixian. I though of committing suicide that day. But I'm scared, so I pass it to weixian. I guess that time he must have really freaked out. I was crying very badly that day. If you see this message weixian, I'm sorry brother. Haha.
Moi // Christian
Haha, if anybody who doesn't know that I am a Christian now. Haha. Especially those who knows the emo me in secondary school. Yeah I am. Don't freak out man. Haha, seriously speaking, I sometimes still find it hard to believe that I grow up so much le. Haha. Being a Christian really changed me for good. Praise The Lord =]
Lies // Sin
Saturday I still lied to my family the I am going to school, but in actual fact, I am in church. I still hide the truth to my parents and family. People who read this, Lying is bad. I am a bad example. Don't learn from me. People who think that I am a bad Christian. I am the one sinful. Not Christians in general ._. Please don't generalize christians as big Liars... Because its me who is bad.
Abortion // Sermon
During saturday, Pastor Daniel talked about Do not murder and Abortion is actually murdering an innocent life. Girls and guys remember! Think twice before you have premarital sex! Hearing pastor describing about the process of abortion really makes me feel so painful. Painful for the baby!
The doctor will use a vacuum to suck the baby out. If the baby's body is fragile enough, his limbs will be ripped out piece by piece. During the ripping process, the baby will give out a "silent scream" meaning that the baby will scream out in pain, but we cannot hear it because its too soft.
If the body's bones is hard enough, the doctor will cut its limbs then suck it out. I feel so sad for the baby.
Pastor also showed a picture named "Malachi", the picture shows an aborted baby with its limbs and body sperated. I will never forget about that image.
Murderous Emotions // Sermon
The 2nd part of the sermon was done by sister wanping. She talked about by having thoughts of murdering someone else is already committing murder already. Which fits into this week's theme, the 6th commandment "Thou shall not murder".
Also, she teaches us that there is two types of Anger, Destructive murder which leads to nothing but violence and Constructive anger which comes from God. Constructive anger lets you think about the right thing to do when you feel angry, "is it worth it?" "What will God and Jesus do?"
During this part of the sermon, I got reminded of my past when I thought about murdering my whole family. Poisoning water boiler, on stove to let house explode, Switch my mother's medicine. Etc Etc. But I don't feel anything at all. I know God is definitely there. I don't feel sad or scared or depressed. I think God helped me went pass the stage already. Praise the Lord.
Report Writing // School
Getting tired of this report. So much to write so little time >_< style="font-weight: bold;">Neopets // My In thing
Created a new neopet account. Suddenly thought of playing neopet for some reason lol. Those interested to join me add me! Yuthanaxian. With my pet, Wolf_Scratch! xD

Falling Ill // Headache
Feel that recently I'm falling ill, during sunday I'm having a really weird headache, feeling so nauseous. I think its the lack of rest. =\
Recently the cell group, everyone is so tired physically, especially the older ones. Pray that God will help all of out trouble. Ian this whole week also a lot of work to do. Xiong exam coming so soon. I also work piling up. Praise Lord for letting us still able to move and jump during sat =)
Grace // Foundation of Prayers
People Do READ THIS!
Sister Wanping taught us about the foundation of Prayer is Grace. As God want us to use the grace he gave us. Prayer is a privilage that God gave us. So yes, we must learn to have 100% faith when using God's Grace when praying =) Remember, we learn to be like God. So when we pray, we must have 100% trust in God your prayer will be answered no matter how long it takes =) Amen!
Forgiven // Psalms // Sin
Sunday I feel so in despair when I sinned. I feel so horrible the whole day even after I pray to God for Forgivence. But before I go to bed I read Psalms and God really forgive me.
1 O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever?
How long will you look the other way?
2 How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul,
with sorrow in my heart every day?
How long will my enemy have the upper hand?
3 Turn and answer me, O Lord my God!
Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die.
4 Don’t let my enemies gloat, saying, “We have defeated him!”
Don’t let them rejoice at my downfall.
5 But I trust in your unfailing love.
I will rejoice because you have rescued me.
6 I will sing to the Lord
because he is good to me.
Prayer Requests
NEED SLEEP! Lol Pray that God will give me good rest. I know I will =)
GOOD HEALTH! Lol, I need to take care of my body or i'll crack recently.
Thats about all for now =) Will keep you all update again soon =)